Tuesday 17 February 2015

Theorielezingen bij TEAM HEINER

Een bericht van TEAM HEINER

Zoals elk jaar organiseren wij traditiegetrouw theorielezingen in het vroege voorjaar.

Het programma is als volgt:
-          BOOTTRIM (27 februari): Over de krachten op een zeilend jacht; wat maakt het loef- of lijgierig? Waarom veranderen de krachten als de wind verandert en hoe zet je de mast recht?

-          ZEILVORM (6 maart): Hoe krijg je bolling in een zeil, welke trim mogelijkheden zijn er om de bolling te veranderen en hoe moet de zeilvorm er eigenlijk uit zien?

-          WEDSTRIJDTACTIEK (13 maart): Hoe ga je om met de tegenstanders op de wedstrijdbaan die allemaal hetzelfde willen bereiken en allen om dezelfde baan, boeien en tegenstanders moeten varen om hun doel te bereiken?

-          WEDSTRIJDSTRATEGIE (27 maart): Wedstrijdstrategie is het bepalen van je plan, er vanuit gaande dat er geen tegenstanders op het baan zijn. Met welke factoren moet je rekening mee houden en welke niet?

-          METEO door Guus da Graca (3 april): Kan je voorspellen wat de wind gaat doen, kan het zijn wat voor de ene zeiler als geluk overkomt, voor de ander kennis is?

De lezingen worden gegeven door Roy Heiner, met uitzondering van de lezing over meteo. Dit onderwerp neemt meteoroloog Guus da Graca voor zijn rekening. De avonden vinden plaats bij Team Heiner in Lelystad, en duren van 19.00 tot ca 21.30 uur. Kosten bedragen Eur 30,= pp per avond, incl BTW, een hand-out en een kopje koffie.

De geïnteresseerden kunnen zich bij mij aanmelden door een mail te sturen naar natasha ad teamheiner dot com.
Zij ontvangen dan dan een bevestiging en een routebeschrijving.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Umpire flags

After many months I'm now ready to offer all Umpires and /or Clubs the opportunity to order there own complete set of Umpire flags!

The flags are made of wind resist-end material and can be attached to wooden and or plastic sticks. All flags are 35 cm x 50 cm. A complete set consists of  two Blue, two Yellow, one Green/White, one Red, one Black and for team racing, one Black/White flag. The flags were developed in cooperation with the Dutch Team & Match Racing Association (DMTRA).

two blue, two yellow, black, red, green/white and black/white

A complete set is yours for € 49,50 (including VAT), that's $US 55,44. International shipping is about € 5,75, depending on the address.
If you want individual flags, the black/white on for instance to complete your own set, the price is
€ 8,- ($US 9,05) per flag.

Please contact me on ltw-regelservice ad home dot nl if you want more information or want to order a set.

Thursday 12 February 2015

LTW Magnetic Protest Kits for Fleet and Match racing

In stock again!

Together with my fellow umpires and board members in the DMTRA we've managed to make a reasonable set of magnetic boats for the use as educational tools and also as models in the protest room. Without any moving parts, but still magnetic so they stick to a white board.

The ones we all use with the movable sails are just a little too expensive and the sails tend to get looser and looser all the time. They are also very hard to "move" on the white-board.

Our set has a "cut out" shape for the sail, just flip the model (it sticks on both sides) if you want to change tack. And the magnets are just a tad thicker than the boats, so you can get them of the board easy.

There are two different sets:


All parts spread out on the box.

The Matchrace set consists of:
  • three numbered blue boats (1, 2 and 3);
  • three numbered yellow boats (1, 2 and 3);
  • two RC-boats in red, for starting and/or finishing vessels;
  • two rubber boats in red, for umpire and/or wing;
  • four marks, also red;
  • two arrow indicators in red (wind, current, tide, or whatever);
  • all in a sturdy box, with room for more.


We wanted to keep the price as low as possible, but with all the materials and the starting up costs, it has become a little more than we had hoped. Nevertheless it is still a lot less than the traditional magnetic set.

The Fleetrace set consists of:
  • three numbered blue boats (1, 2 and 3);
  • three numbered yellow boats (1, 2 and 3);
  • three numbered green boats (1, 2 and 3);
  • three numbered red boats (1, 2 and 3);
  • one RC-boat in red, for starting and/or finishing vessels;
  • one rubber boats in red, for umpire and/or wing;
  • four marks, also red;
  • two arrow indicators in red (wind, current, tide, or whatever);
  • all in a sturdy box, with room for more.

Price for a Matchrace set is €48,- and for the Fleetrace set € 64,- (including VAT.)

(Since shipping/posting is so varied, that price is exclusive of shipping costs)
But the box fits (even with a padded envelope) in the mailbox, so it shouldn't be that expensive.
Somewhere around € 6,- depending on the weight.
Paypal seems to be the easiest and most economical way to pay. transaction cost are about 3.5%

In the box; ready for travel
Just send me an email with your wishes and shipping address, I will quote you a total price and we can work out the details. Please use ltw-regelservice at home dot nl, and I'll get back to you ASAP.


Magnetic Boats for on the white-board !
Complete situation clearly visible from across the room
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