Thursday, 16 February 2012

DutyMan for the KWS

Well, the experiment has begun!

As you might know, I'm active in two local sailing clubs. In one (KWV Langweer) I do mostly Race Officers duties and in the other (KW Sneek) mostly Jury duties. For the latter one of my responsibilities is to find volunteers for all the protest committees at events during the year. Fill in the duty roster, so to speak.

Last year, during an ESS event, I came in contact with a representative of a web-based program that can help with this. That program is called DutyMan. It is already in use by many clubs in Great Britain and works very well - according to John - the guy who told me about this.

I expressed an interest and to cut a long story short - we are now using the system on a trail bases.

DutyMan applies internet technology to simplify the organisation of club duties. I've uploaded our calendar with each individual duty and all the data of our volunteers. Yesterday I gave the system the go ahead to send out the first mail to all members inviting them to log-on and fill in on which dates they can "Do their Duties" this year. This phase will take a month in which everybody is free to pick an indicate what they are willing to do. After that we will evaluate the holes in the roster and have a meeting. Then we will assign the duties for the rest of the year.

The calender will be kept up-to date on the internet and everybody can find out who will be joining them for a specific event and in what capacity. If, for whatever reason, a member is unavailable the program gives him or her the possibility to initiate a request to swap and find a replacement. The program sends reminders automatic and the PRO of the event is kept up to date with all mutations.

I have high hopes this will make my job a lot easier. I don't have approach each individual volunteer any more to get the PC roster filled....

If you want to have a look at the program go to

If you think this is something your club can use and you apply for the program, I would appreciate if you mention you got the link from LTW. You can use it for 90 days on a trail bases.
And if you have questions or just want to tell me how things are going, don't hesitate to contact me.

Oooh, although the program has been written for yachting clubs, it is can easily be used for any 'duty roster' that needs to be filled by volunteers.

I'll keep you informed how things are going with our KWS Duty-roster 2012.



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