Since umpiring revolves around making a call after a boat has protested, I'll draw up a situation in TSS and give a - limited - number of facts, after which you can then decide. In each situation you can use all flags available to umpires: green/white, blue, yellow, red and black. To start with, you can look up what all the flags mean.
Please study the diagrams carefully. They are as accurate as I can make them, to describe the case I want to present. I'll give you a link to the original TSS-diagram file to download and the you can play those on your own computer. Here's the first one: (click on the picture to see the animated situation)
Light breeze; Beaufort 2; J22's in a calm sea:
After the four minutes signal Blue and Yellow enter and do a dial-up.
Blue and Yellow end up with very low speed at a distance of 2 meters in position 6 with half a length overlap. Yellow drifts slowly closer and closer, and protests by showing a Yankee-flag in position 9. What is your decision?
Static image: UMP_LTW001s.gif
Answers after the break
Umpire Calls Directory

Green/White Flag: No Penalty.

Blue Flag: Penalty on the Blue boat.

Yellow Flag: Penalty on the Yellow boat
Red Flag; Always together with a Blue or Yellow Flag.
Penalty on the identified boat, which must be taken as soon as reasonable possible but not before starting.

Black Flag; Always together with a Blue or Yellow Flag.
The identified boat is disqualified, and the match is terminated and awarded to the other boat.
Rules applicable:
RRS 10 (pos 4, Blue keeps clear)
RRS 16.1 (pos 5 & 6, Yellow gives room to Blue to keep clear)
RRS 13.1 (pos 5 trough 9) Blue is tacking.
Because Blue never completed her tack, she stays the keep clear boat.
Penalize Blue.
Blue flag - rule 13.1