Yesterday I spent the day on the water with national Umpires in training at the Matchrace Winter series on the Braassemermeer (near Schiphol).
While the planes circled above in a sunny clear sky with a nice breeze, we practiced umpiring in 10 flights with 3 matches. It was a cold (4 degrees) but otherwise perfect day. Main focus of the day was to try to communicate in the Decision stage. Instead of telling each other what happens on the water by reciting facts (i.e. luffing, tacking, on port etc.) we tried to communicate in rights, obligations and opportunities (i.e. keep clear, have to give room) and in decisions (i.e. giving room, keeping clear). This proved to be a challenge for most people. Clear advantage in communicating in this stage is that you already have an answer when a Yankee flag is displayed by the sailor and can signal instantly. We'll keep at it, in future sessions. If you want to know more, read chapter D11 in the IU Manual.
At the debrief with the sailors we tacked about a situation after a dail-up. I've made a TSS-diagram to illustrate
Static image: UMP_LTW006s.gif
Umpire Calls Directory
After entry both Blue and Yellow end up head-to-wind with some distance (about a boat-length apart) Blue looses way and passes head to wind to Port. She's subject to rule 13. Yellow still head-to-wind on Starboard tack bears away toward Blue. Blue tries to luff up but is unable to respond because she has no speed. Yellow protests. There was a discussion if it makes a difference if Blue ends up in this position by design or involuntary. I've had a look at CALL-UMP 11 in the Call-book, and think it does not make any difference how Blue ends up in this position. As long as she's making every effort to keep clear, she's protected by 16.1 because Yellow changes course.

ReplyDeleteThe call I refered to in the discussion afterwards came from the teamracing call book, it is number D4 on page 37.
Question 1
X on starboard tack crosses ahead of A on port tack on a windward leg. As A
passes X's stern, X luffs, and tacks onto port. Meanwhile, after sailing behind X
and while X is still on starboard, A luffs above close-hauled and heels to
windward to make it difficult for X to complete her tack without making contact
with A. There is contact and X protests. What should the call be?
Answer 1
After position 2 X gives up right of way, so rule 15 does not apply. A
establishes a leeward overlap either instantaneously or while X is subject to rule
13, so rule 17.1 does not apply. As A does not alter course after position 2, rule
16 does not apply. X breaks rule 13. Penalize X.
Question 2
If A luffs after X passes head-to-wind, and as a result there is contact, will the
answer still be the same?
Answer 2
It depends. After X passes head-to-wind, rule 16.1 applies to A when she
changes course. If A gives X room to keep clear, but contact occurs, X breaks
rule 13. Penalize X.
If A luffs without giving X room to keep clear even if X promptly reverses her
tack, A breaks rule 16.1. Penalize A.
I think this anwsers the question quiet well, since I kept clear of X in this case I think I was penalysed incorrectly being boat A