Tuesday 18 March 2008

'Flog the Blog' Day (4)

Dear readers of Look to Windward,

In the last couple of months I've been dedicating a lot of time to this blog. Not only publishing the material I had gathered, but also looking for new interesting resources. But the data banks are running on empty. I don't want to start repeating myself (too often).
Therefore I'm asking for your help.

If you know of an interesting website about the rules, or even one post; If you have a test, with or without answers; If you recommend a particular book you've used to get a better understanding of the rules; If you have had a protest case from which you didn't understand why that decision was reached;

Please send it in!

If at all possible I'll will make a post about it, quoting you as the source - or not, just as you wish.

I also have to take it down a notch with my time dedicated to this blog. Preparations for the coming season are way behind, I've hardly helped as a member of the clubs and I'm getting not enough sleep. Therefore I've given myself "permission" to skip a day or two now and then. I won't be posting daily anymore. To write better posts I've started a regimen of preparing them in advance. Hopefully that will take off some of the pressure as well.

Subscriptions by reader and E-mail have been growing slowly but steadily. Comments to posts however - with one or two exceptions - have been few and far between. I don't know what I can do to improve that, except write better posts.

It was great to get a post published in Scuttlebutt in their March 13th issue.

If you have suggestions - as always - leave a comment or send an E-mail.

Best wishes,


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