Friday 14 October 2011

ESS Gate Scenarios

Scenario One

Purple and Red both round the port gate mark.Purple enters the 3BL Zone as inside boat but in rounding leaves the zone in position 4. After position 6 Purple has to bear away for Red and puts up her Yankee Flag.
What should the umpires response be?

Scenario Two

Purple and Red both round the port gate mark.Purple enters the 3BL Zone as inside boat and in rounding does NOT leaves the zone. After position 6 Purple has to bear away for Red and puts up her Yankee Flag.What should the umpires response be?

Scenario Three

Purple and Red both round the port gate mark.Purple enters the 3BL Zone as inside boat and in rounding does NOT leaves the zone. In position 3 Red head up to avoid Purple and she displays a Yankee Flag. After position 6 Purple has to bear away for Red and puts up her Yankee Flag.What should the umpires response be?

My answers after the break. If you have a different opinion don't hesitate to comment.

Scenario One:
Because Purple leaves the zone, rule 18.2(b) is no longer applicable and rule 18.2(a) comes in to effect. Red becomes inside boat entitled to mark-room. Display Green/White Flag

Scenario Two:
Purple is entitled to mark-room during the whole rounding. She is prevented to sail her proper course after position 6 by Red who is not keeping clear as windward boat. Display Yellow Flag (Gybe Penalty) to the Red boat.

Scenario Three:
Purple is entitled to mark-room during the whole rounding. She does not keep clear as port tack boat in position 3 and can not be exonerated because she is not sailing TO the mark. She breaks rule 10. Purple is prevented to sail her proper course after position 6 by Red who is not keeping clear as windward boat.
Display Yellow Flag (Gybe Penalty) to the Purple boat and;
Display Yellow Flag (Gybe Penalty) to the Red boat.


  1. Scenario 3: if red was forced to luff to prevent a collision (and red is penalized for that), and because of that came in a situation that he became inside boat, then red was not able to keep clear from purple except by not rounding the mark (luffing above the mark).
    If so, I think red should have luffed above the mark and purple should have been given flags until the situation is leveled.

  2. Scrnario One
    G\W Flag – no broke rules (rules apply: 18.2a, 11 + 18.5)

    Scenario Two
    Red Flag – red broke r.18.2b,c in pos#6.

    Scenario Three
    Red Flag – red broke r.18.2b,с in pos#6.
    Purple broke r.10 in pos#3 but shall be exonerated r.18.5.

  3. Jos

    Scenario One

    Agree. After Purple left the zone so rule 18.2(a) applies. Red as inside boat was entitled to mark room. She was given mark room, so no rule was broken – green/white flag.

    Scenario Two

    Purple was entitled to mark room under 18.2(b), but as you say re scenario three, she did not sail “to the mark”. It seems to me that she was not sailing her proper course at the mark when Red sailed between her and the mark. Instead, she was approaching from an angle almost directly below the mark, which she would not have done had she confined herself to her mark room. Red did not interfere with Purple’s mark room. Case 63 applies.

    Red had the right of way, at that stage, as leeward boat under rule 11. However, when she changed course towards the mark, she was required to give Red room under rule 16. She gave Red room and Red kept clear.

    No rule was broken. Green/white flag.

    Scenario Three

    I agree that Purple broke rule 10 and cannot be exhonerated under rule 18.5 because she was not sailing “to the mark” at that time. Penalise Purple for the first yankee.

    I do not agree that Red broke a rule for the reasons given under scenario two. Green/white flag for the second yankee.

    On a totally different topic – what happened to the Smileys from the beginning of September. Are they lost at sea?

  4. Scenario Three
    ump call 43 tell: "A boat that is sailing ‘to the mark’ will be ‘at the mark’ when one or more of the following conditions apply:
    (a) She is no longer able to alter course, in a seamanlike way, towards the mark and pass it on the wrong side.
    (b) Any part of her hull overlaps the mark and she is closer than half of her hull length to the mark.
    (c) She reaches a position where she would usually alter course to round or pass the mark on the required side in order to start sailing the next leg of the course."
    IMHO purple is AT the mark in pos#3 (condition (a) & (c) by call ump 43)... Is she on her proper course? maybe ;)

  5. The Smileys will be 'dealt with' next week....

    @Boris, in scenario three the purple boat is NOT sailing toward the mark in my opinion and cannot therefore be exonerated under rule 18.5 for breaking rule 10.
    She's also not at the mark because there's at least a BL distance.

  6. I agree with Boris. You dont need all the conditions of Call 43 to apply, one will do. I reckon a and c apply.



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