Blue: America One and Yellow: Prada
What the umpires saw:
At position 2 ,Yellow bore away and gybed onto port tack in front of Blue and was always keeping clear. Blue bore away at position 4 and Yellow double gybed finishing on port tack again at position 5. Blue could have kept clear as windward boat but chose to gybe at position 5 and pass astern of Yellow. Immediately after Blue's gybe there was contact between Blue's spinnaker and Yellow's rigging.
Penalty Blue. Rule 15 .
TSS diagram: UMP_LTW005.TSS
Static image: UMP_LTW005s.gif
Umpire Calls Directory
Can you find out what fact needs to be clear before rule 15 is applicable?
The description doesn't say if Blue's gybe was completed before there was contact.