Friday, 27 October 2006

Casebook (a list of (pillow)Cases of the Week)

Published on LTW (updated 09-02-2010)

I’ll try to keep the list updated when posts are published. If the link in the final column is working there’s a post. If you want to find all of them use (p)CotW as label.

Rules Summary
20.1 Hailing for Room to Tack
112 28.1,
Sailing the Course,
Protest Requirements, Informing the Protestee,
Starting Penalties;
Z Flag Rule &; Black Flag Rule
62.1(b) Redress
Part 2

Fog Signals and Lights International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea


Sailing the Course
Penalties at the Time of an Incident:
Taking a Penalty
Penalties at the Time of an Incident: One-Turn and Two- Turns Penalties

Avoiding Contact
Penalties at the Time of an Incident:
Taking a Penalty
Decisions: Penalties and Exoneration
28.1 Sailing the Course
On Opposite Tacks
Avoiding Contact
Acquiring Right of Way
Changing Course
Hearings: Taking Evidence and Finding Facts
Appeals and Requests to a National Authority
Inadequate Facts; Reopening
Def. Room
62.2 Redress

Room to Tack at an Obstruction: Hailing and Responding
41 Outside Help

On Opposite Tacks
Avoiding Contact
Penalties at the Time of an Incident: Taking a Penalty
Decisions: Penalties and Exoneration

Acceptance of the Rules
Conflict between the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions
Governing Rules
Changes to Class Rules
National Prescriptions
Notice of Race Contents
Notice of Race Contents
Sailing Instruction Contents
Sailing Instruction Contents
50.3 Setting and Sheeting Sails: Use of Outriggers
30.3 Starting Penalties: Black Flag Rule

Mark-Room: When Rule 18 Applies
Mark-Room: Giving Mark-Room
Mark-Room: Tacking When Approaching a Mark
 Decisions: Penalties and Exoneration

Deleted in the Casebook

Acquiring Right of Way
Changing Course
Mark-Room: Tacking When Approaching a Mark
Mark-Room: Exoneration
Decisions: Penalties and Exoneration
Avoiding Contact
Changing Course
Changing Course
On the Same Tack, Not Overlapped
Avoiding Contact
Clear Astern and Clear Ahead; Overlap
Keep Clear
28.1 Sailing the Course
43.1(a) Competitor Clothing and Equipment
On Opposite Tacks
Avoiding Contact
Keep Clear

Deleted in the Casebook
Deleted in the Casebook

All Cases are from the ISAF Casebook 2009-2012 with update 2010.
For the whole Casebook go to
At the bottom of the page is the link to the latest Casebook edition


Events I plan to attend

Wednesday, 25 October 2006

Most Commented Posts

Popular Posts Widget


This blog is about the Racing Rules of Sailing. Anything to do with the rules. On or off the water, in the protest room or umpiring in a rubber duck, attending a seminar or reading a news item. If it involves the RRS, I will post about it.

This blog is for sailors, for officials, coaches, organizers and anybody who has to deal with the rules. If you are a volunteer helping your club run the Thursday-evening-regatta you can find some tips to help you, or a link to an easy scoring program. For protest committee-members there are rule-explanations and actual protests to study. Coaches can get an insight how officials think and relate to sailors. If you are studying the rules, to become a National Judge or Umpire or an IJ or IU, there are test-questions and links to websites with information. Sailors can ask questions and find out what the rules mean. Umpires can keep up their skill by answering new calls and improve their communication. Race officers can read about things that work to run a smooth event or learn from my mistakes.

This blog tells you about my experiences as a sailor, my insights and thoughts as a judge, umpire and race officer and about the events I attend. How I became an IJ and IU and what I do to improve and stay on top.

My name is Jos Spijkerman and I started sailing when I was 11 years old. Together with two brothers and a sister, I own a 6.5 meter national class keel boat (Valk 742) and we fight about which colour it should be painted.
I’ve been a sailing instructor in the past for 12 years and in more recent years involved in many local, national and international sailing events as a sailor or as an official.

I became an International Judge in 2005 and just recently (November 2007) an International Umpire. Volunteering for two local clubs, KWVL (Langweer) and the KWS (Sneek), doing unpaid work for our National Authority and attending as many events as I have days for, I can say that "the rules" play a big part in my life. And now I've started blogging about them as well....

If you still want to read more about me or why I started this blog, read it in:
All about Look To Windward in eight questions & answers

And even more questions answered on Started Sailing by Alex Dotsch:
Racing Rules of Sailing - interview with Jos Spijkerman

In case you want to know where I am: Events I hope to attend in the near future.
Or you can have a look on my Facebook page.

Critics and Fans about LTW

.... Racing Rules of Sailing- Look to Windward, which is, without a doubt, one of the best blogs on the planet about the racing rules... - Tillerman from Proper Course

If you sleep with the RRS beside your bed you got to check out this blog, Racing Rules of Sailing -
Peter Gustafsson from Blur

I think you are a bone-headed hypocrite. I just told you some solid reasons why your blog is not getting any meaningful traction. - Anony(mouse)

My new favorite toy. Check out this blog about the racing rules. I'm pretty much obsessed. - Jarret from The Good Old Boat Redwing



“A weblog, which is usually shortened to blog, is a type of website where entries are made (such as in a journal or diary), displayed in a reverse chronological order.

Blogs often provide commentary or news and information on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.

Most blogs are primarily textual although some focus on photographs (photoblog), videos (vlog), or audio (podcasting), and are part of a wider network of social media.

The word blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.”

Friday, 6 October 2006

Handboek Zeilwedstrijdregels 2009-2012

Wat heeft een weblog nu met een boek over de regels te maken?

Wel, in 2008 kreeg ik, via een berichtje van een mede jurylid, te horen dat een Engelse uitgever iemand zocht om het boek van Bryan Willis "Rules in Practice 2009-2012" in het Nederlands uit te brengen.
Na gesproken te hebben met een vriend die ook watersportboeken uitgeeft en nadat hij contact had gezocht met Wiley - de uitgever uit Engeland - zijn we de deal aangegaan. Hij de uitgave en ik de vertaling.
Voor mij een uitdagende klus, zo goed ben ik nou ook weer niet in taalwerk en voor hem ook een avontuur want zo groot zal het lezerspubliek nou ook weer niet zijn. Er zijn in Nederland ongeveer 8000 min of meer actieve wedstrijdzeilers.
Met een strikte deadline om voor de Hiswa klaar te zijn is hier het resultaat:
Het "Handboek Zeilwedstrijdregels 2009-2012":

Handboek Wedstrijdregels 2009-2012

Van de achterkaft:
Elke serieuze wedstrijdzeiler wil graag weten hoe hij of zij moet handelen in bepaalde situaties. Dit boek geeft die benodigde kennis in heldere taal en verschaft inzicht in de regels voor wedstrijdzeilen zoals die de komende vier jaar gelden.
Bryan Willis kijkt naar situaties die vaak voorkomen in zeilwedstrijden, of dat nu wedstrijden bij je eigen club zijn of nationale of wereldkampioenschappen. In tegenstelling tot andere boeken, benadert Bryan elke situatie vanuit jouw standpunt en plaatst jou aan boord van de betrokken boot. Daardoor weet je wat je rechten en wat je plichten zijn; wat je mag, of juist niet mag. Hij vertelt wat je moet doen en hij stelt de cruciale vragen die bepalend zijn voor het vaststellen van de feiten, mocht het incident in de protestkamer terecht komen. Met deze kennis kun je niet alleen voorkomen dat je de regels overtreedt en een straf moet emen, maar kun je jouw zaak, mocht het tot een protestbehandeling komen, optimaal presenteren.

Dit Handboek Zeilwedstrijdregels geeft een speciale analyse van de regelwijzigingen en bevat ook de volledige Regels voor Wedstrijdzeilen 2009-2012 van het Watersportverbond, inclusief alle Appendices.

Bryan Willis treedt overal ter wereld op als voorzitter van internationale jury’s op grote evenementen. Hij was voorzitter van de jury tijdens de Olympische Spelen in Sydney en juryvoorzitter en Chief-Umpire bij de laatste drie edities van de ‘America’s Cup’. Hij was vicevoorzitter van het ‘Racing Rules Committee’ van de Internationale Zeil Federatie (ISAF), waarin hij meer dan 25 jaar zitting heeft gehad.
Hij heeft het ISAF Race Management Committee en het ISAF Race Officials Committee als voorzitter geleid en was grondlegger van de ontwikkeling van umpiring (scheidsrechteren) bij Match Racen.

De vertaler, Jos Spijkerman, is naast erkend nationaal wedstrijdleider ook nationaal judge en umpire. Sinds 2005 erkend International Judge en sinds 2007 erkend International Umpire. Hij is actief in protestcomités in binnen- en buitenland en geeft in de winter diverse ‘regelavonden’ voor verenigingen en is betrokken bij de umpireopleiding van het Watersportverbond. Hij schrijft regelmatig over de Regels voor Wedstrijdzeilen 2009-2012 op zijn weblog:

Ik heb toch heel wat uurtjes in deze vertaling gestoken, maar vond het erg leuk om te doen. Niet alleen vanuit de uitdaging maar ook omdat daardoor de nieuwe regels als snel vertrouwd raakten. Ik hoop die kennis goed te kunnen benutten in de Protestkamer en als umpire op het water.

Dit project was zeker niet gelukt zonder de hulp van Josje Hofland-Dominicus. Als professionele vertaler heeft ze me buitengewoon geholpen om consequent te blijven. Haar inzicht in de taal is vele malen groter dan ik ooit zal krijgen. Ook wil ik graag Bryan Willis en Marianne Middleton bedanken voor het geduld dat ze hebben opgebracht om mijn vele vragen te beantwoorden.

Als je in het bezit wilt komen van een exemplaar van dit boek, kun je het waarschijnlijk in een watersportzaak of een grotere boekhandel in een watersportplaats wel krijgen. Je kunt het ook via op het Internet bestellen. Voor de prijs hoef je het niet te laten.Het koste € 24,50 voor een heldere uitleg EN de volledige tekst van de Regels voor Wedstrijdzeilen.

Oh, voor ik het vergeet. Mocht je in het boek iets tegenkomen wat verbeterd kan worden, aarzel dan niet om een mailtje te schrijven.


Thursday, 5 October 2006

Subscribe to Look To Windward

There are two main ways to keep up to date with the posts added to
Racing Rules of Sailing - Look To Windward.

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feed-icon-red Each day I send out a quick email to hundreds of readers to notify them of updates. Early in the morning the Email is send out to YOUR mailbox, so you can read it anytime during the day. No need to check on LTW. Any new post will be included in next day email. You can unsubscribe from this service at any time. It’s free and it does not include any sort of spam.
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feed-icon-orangeAre you are you tired of checking ten sailing blogs every day with hope for new content? If you are, RSS Feed is your solution.
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Wednesday, 4 October 2006

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | Overview

Posts about the effect the changes will have:

New Rule 18 - The three-length zone in RRS 2009-2012
Explanation about the Zone-length from the Working Party

There are already too many new posts about the effect the RRS 2009-2012 will have, to list here. A good way to find them is to do a label search under RRS 2009-2012. That will give you most of them.


Posts about the changes in the Racing Rules of Sailing;
If a rule is not mentioned in these posts, they have NOT changed.

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | 1
1.2 Life-Saving Equipment and Personal Buoyancy Flotation Devices

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | 2

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | 3
The preamble of Part Two

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | 4

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | 5

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | 6

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | 7
18.2 Giving Mark-Room
18.3 Tacking at When Approaching a Mark
18.4 Gybing
18.5 Exoneration

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | 8

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 | 9

Racing Rules of Sailing 2009 -2012 | Definitions


Tuesday, 3 October 2006

All about Look To Windward in eight questions & answers

For an introduction see: 'Flog the Blog' Day (6)

After the questions I put my initial answer (from 24/01/2008) first and my "today' answer (from 18/05/2008) in light blue:

Q1: Why did you start the blog?

A: I already had a web-site on the rules which I started in December 2005. But I'm not schooled in web-design or html nor have the time to learn it, so maintaining a good attractive site, was a real chore. I almost never did anything new. I had no contact with readers, save for an occasional E-mail.

When last year I stumbled on a blog, looked around and found out how easy it was to make one and maintain, I immediately started. As a first post I put all the old stuff from my web site on it and well, just started.

There are several reasons why I wanted a place on the world wide web. When I studied for International Judges Exam back in 2004, the participants of the seminar formed a study-group - called LOOK TO WINDWARD, hence the name for my blog - before the seminar and talked about rules, exchanged tests, discussed cases and corresponded (by E-mail). It was a great way to get some necessary skill in reading, writing and understanding English, learning more about the RRS and getting to know fellow judges from all over the world. It was a great help in passing the exam.

The classroom from my 2004 IJ seminar

So my first reason was to find a way to do this for other seminar participants and race officials. Especially for people who don’t have a Member National Authority who can help them develop in Race Officiating. Countries like England or the USA have a fully organized development program for judges, umpires and race officers, but what about that guy in Slovenia or Thailand or Uruguay? He has to do it practically on his own.

Secondly I wanted to keep up my English skills. Only reading in a language is not enough, I wanted to continue to write in it as well. I could do a blog in only my native language (Dutch) but then my readers would be only local. I occasionally do a piece in Dutch to keep in touch with the home base, but try to keep it International for the most part.

And finally, it's a great way to stay on top of the rules. All judges and umpires have to do that, to keep up there expertise and knowledge.

Q2: What is the most challenging aspect about maintaining the blog?

A: Finding enough time to do it. I find myself getting less and less sleep..... I do have a regular job which takes up most of my days and keeps me pretty busy. I also have other commitments to clubs and to my MNA, teaching and giving lectures about the rules. I volunteer for two local Yacht clubs and help prepare regatta’s and events, and of course do judging, umpiring and RO-ing. At the moment it's winter over here so there are not too much events, but that will change soon. I don't know if I can keep posting on a daily bases at an event.....

Oh, there’s one challenging issue a reader comes back to, every change he or she - it’s an Anony(mouse) poster – gets: my blog’s black background and white lettering… should I change to dark lettering on a light background or not…. I can’t decide.

By adopting a couple of strategies I learned from fellow bloggers (; Blogger Buster) I find it easier to post on a daily base, then say, a couple of months back. I keep a notebook (always with me) write idea's in it whenever I have one, use Google Notebook and docs. Post in a couple of forums and subscribe to a couple of dozen other blogs to keep informed. I've become a little more confident, I can keep this up. And the black will stay - for now.

a page from my notebook

Q3: Do you feel any pressure to post on a consistent basis?

A: Not at the moment. For me this is relatively new and therefore still fun and exiting to do. I can see this becoming more and more an issue after a longer time, when I run out of new things to say. Perhaps the frequency in posts will drop after a while, but for now I want to build a place where everybody involved with the rules, visits now and then. In order to get there I have to keep everybody interested by doing at least one post a day.

Still don't feel pressured, but committed. Something I want to do. I suppose that could be considered pressure from within?

Q4: How do you keep the blog fresh; how do you decide what to write about?

A: The subject matter of my blog is pretty narrow. At least for now I try to stick to the Racing Rules of Sailing, Protests and all aspects of race officiating. With sometimes a little sidetrack to my personal experiences and events I've been to, but only as long as I think there's a tip or lesson or trick which might benefit others. I don't want to stray to much from that premise. This means I don't have to decide about the subject, only find something worthwhile to post about. If all fails, I do a new situation, draw a diagram and discus the rules involved.

To find suitable material, I look for it on the Internet, use material I've gathered over the years and ask others about it. I'm reading books and articles about it.

I keep a Google notebook, write down all new ideas and prepare drafts. If I have an "off" day or not enough time to write something new, I use a pre-prepared post. I also have a list of subjects for each day of the week and try to stick to that. i.e. Monday: rules-test, Tuesday: race management, Wednesday: NED (something in Dutch) etc. etc. Some of the post I have to prepare and that takes a couple of days or longer to get the necessary information or check my assumptions. Other post are decided pretty much spur of the moment, when I come across a interesting file or tidbit on the net. Those can be translated into a post, with a link or two, in five minutes. I already get an occasional request for a specific subject or case from readers and hope those will increase, so I can use them in a post.

I've permitted myself a little more leeway in writing posts. For example about doing this in the first place.

What I want/need is a little more levity, something funny, but also recurring.... Like Fish on Friday or Mermaids.... Still haven't found it, but am always on the lookout <G>. Any Ideas?

Q5: Any advice to would-be bloggers?

A: I consider myself a newcomer, who still has to learn a lot. I spent about a quarter of my time on the net looking for ways to improve, by reading about blogging, looking at other blogs to see how it's done and experimenting with new features. To start is easy enough. I have found a lot of blogs who never get any further than that. After a couple of posts the whole thing sizzles out. I'm determined not to have that happen to mine, but ask me again in a year.

Would-be bloggers should have at least that commitment. Read a little on blogging before you start, and - but that’s true for every writer - find something to write about you know.

Or write very well, then you can get away with any subject.....

Commitment is still the driving factor; If you don't have that, it will not happen.

Q6: How has the feedback/commentary been from the online community?

A: Positive for the most part. I do know how many people visit my pages. If I measure that against people who actually respond or leave a comment, it's very few. But those that do, are coming back and give me constructive feedback, with only one or two exceptions. I myself still have to get used to this blogging community and have to find a way to behave in that world. I imagine this is the same for most visitors to my blog. I'll be patient and let things grow.

I still need to get more involved in the community... I'm envious of all those bloggers who can find something funny or meaningful to write on someone else's posts. I wish I could do that. I'm trying, but am not altogether comfortable with what I write. English is very rich in "sub context". How you write it, is sometimes more important than what you write.... That's very hard to learn.

Comments have been great and more and more of them have appeared. I try to respond to all mails and comments, but sometimes it takes a couple of days to find the time to do it.

Q7: How has the feedback been from your real-world, local community about your blog?

A: Also mostly very positive. Most of my fellow race officials whom I have told and have visited, come back on a regular basis. I seem to have found something they did not have before and find useful. I'm still in the building stage and am looking for ways to tell people about it. I try to exchange links with other sites, include my blog address in all my mails and bring up the subject in conversation when appropriate. I'm trying not to be too bold about it and keep things out of any commercial realm. I don't have Adsense and I will not in the future.

I also have made some tentative openings to people from ISAF and a few MNA’s, to let them know this place exists. Their response was – understandably - a little reserved, but encouraging. I’m not bound by their web-policies and do this on a personal basis, but am an ISAF appointed IJ and IU, so I have to be somewhat cautious. Certainly make sure all posts about the rules are up to that standard.

Website van de Valkenklasse

ISAF has put up a link, for which I'm grateful. But I don't feel altogether happy with me being the only one there. There are many other very good sites about the rule to go to. (Correct that, Henri has joined). If you want more sites, please have a look at the links in the sidebar and on the DOWNLOAD DIRECTORY page.

Q8: How long do you foresee your maintaining the blog?

A: I really don't know. For a long time I hope, but perhaps in a couple of years I'll grow tired of it and will ask someone else to join or even take over.

Still haven't lost my drive.... Talk to me after a full year has passed and I've had to blog trough a busy summer....

Monday, 2 October 2006


Instead of cluttering up the sidebar I've put all downloads or links to downloads in a separate post:


Study files to learn and test your knowledge of the racing rules of sailing
RULES QUIZ WEBSITESLinklist to sites featuring rule questions and tests:
Useful downloadable files (in word or excel):
Linklist to the ISAF site for all official publications relevant to the rules:

Sunday, 1 October 2006


On this page I'll keep a record of all Posts with Umpire Calls:
UMP_CALL (8) : Rule 1, 2, 11 and ?
UMP_CALL (7) : Rule 18.3
UMP_CALL (6) : Rule C2.9 (22.1) and C8.1(b)
UMP_CALL (5) : Rule 13 and 16.1
UMP_CALL (4) : Rule 15
UMP_CALL (3) : Rule 10 and 15
UMP_CALL (2) : Windward Mark and rule 18.2 (c)
UMP_CALL (1) : Dail up and rule 13.1

The Look to Windward Archives

Do you need to find a particular post on Look to Windward? Here is a good place to start.

You can browse through the monthly archives, take a look through the different labels or simply search the whole blog to find the posts which interest you the most.

672 published posts and counting

Monthly Archives:

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

2009January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

2008January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

November, December

2006 (Single Information pages)


You can find post with these (and other) labels:

history The Racing Rules of Sailing have evolved trough history. In these post I'll tell a little about how they were and why. Also stories about regatta's and events in the past.

team race I don't get enough changes to participate in team racing. When I do and have something to tell, I'll post about it under this label.

Koninklijke Watersport Vereniging Langweer
The club where my boat is moored. I'm doing RO-work there and am member of the board. Go here if you want to know more.

Koninklijke Watersportvereniging Sneek
Posts involving my second club. Locally, I do mostly PC and Umpire work there. Go here if you want to know more.

Protest decisions depend on the facts found, but also on interpretation of the rules.

manuals Interesting pieces from the manuals, or additions or improvements go here.

That is YOU. Post involving questions send to me or cases proposed to me by YOU. Usually in a letter format. (see also Q&A)

umpire positioning
There are three things an umpire needs to be good: positioning, positioning & positioning.
flits kids
Our regional and since four years, national youth class is the Flits. This is about the kids who sail them.

Q-A Question & Answer. Either you question and I answer or I question and you answer, I can't seem to remember.

Yes, there are books about the rules, and yes, sometimes I read them. If I can find the time....

sketching an accurate diagram is not easy. How to translate a three dimensional on to a flat piece of paper...

I used to think: point, click and ready... Not anymore. Now I have to learn how to do it properly.

Like I'm going to let half a dozen people tell me what I should do. I don't think so, would you?

Summaries are great for anything else but a protest. There you should be complete and not one iota less.

A highly underdeveloped skill. Like a line-umpire at tennis. You need them, but nobody notices them, unless they screw up. And then everybody yells blue murder.

Dates and places of coming events.

Related to being or becoming an International Umpire.
Specifically for International Judges.
Posts about published Rapid Response Calls, Team - or Match Racing.

Info and background on ISAF Seminars for IJ, IU and IRO.


The perils and advantages of solving rule infringements other than through a protest hearing.

fleet race
Umpired or not, still the most practiced way of racing in the sport of sailing.

rules clinic
Attending or presenting, here's the back scoop on group discussions, presentations and meetings about the RRS.


Posts involving appeal-cases from all over the world, but always in English, translated if need be.

When posting about this blog, I'll use this tag. Personal messages about blogging or not.

'Flog the blog' posts. A somewhat retrospective look? On the 18th of each month

My notes and comments on the definitions from the racing rules of sailing.

Occasionally I leave this keyboard and go on the water at an event or find the club-room to sit in a hearing. Here I write about what happened and the people I encounter there.

Files for the use off..
Guidelines, articles, newsletters, etc. etc.
I need more gigabytes.

Protest form, Report form, Application form, Scheduling form, Scoring form, in triplicate 2 of course.

I have no sense of humor, don't use this tag! You will be directed off this blog immediately, never to be allowed on again.

International Sailing Federation. They pretty much publish the rules and have a great deal to say about how they are to be used... Well, the people that work for ISAF.... Well, the people that do work for ISAF voluntarily... Well actually, you and me are also ISAF, aren't we?

Looking for model boats? Need a starting horn? Look for places to get those in these posts.

match race
Anything to do with Match Racing. One on One. From grade 5 to 1. Best practice and fouls. Bring it on.

If all or some of the post is in Dutch, this tag is added.

In the room we come across all sorts of interesting situations. But also about the people I meet there and how to get to the "truth." Remember the 'eyebrow gesture?'

race management
How to conduct a race or regatta. Mostly from personal experiences or special tips and useful information from other Race Officers.

Might as well tag all posts with this one. It's always about the rules. Old and new, interpretations and insights.

How well do you know the rules? Are you familiar with the intricacies of the string theory? Was it RRS 18.2(a) or 18.2(c)? Test your skill and knowledge in these posts.

travel From A to B, we all need to do it. One thing: the bigger the airport, the longer you have to wait for your luggage.
tv tele-vision. vision from far away. mostly inaccurate, blurred, always pointing at the wrong place or from the wrong angle. But it is all we got, until someone finds a better way to record, and show you and me what has happened.

umpire calls
Situations in Match Racing which require an Umpire decision. Show your red, blue, yellow or green flag! Black should be rare, but don't forget to whistle!

Must you bring up that old horse again?

Interesting websites about the rules, race management and events. Links and directions. But do come back another time, please.

How to write it down; facts found, conclusions and decisions, terminologies and rules-language. Explanations on words from the Racing Rules of Sailing.
All is revealed here.



A special post-page with downloads. Here you will find test questions, presentations and files for study. Also a list of links to other sites involved in the rules and all kinds of forms to be used in the field like protest form, scheduling form, report form etc.
DOWNLOADS (files & links to files)


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Perhaps this search-box will be able to get you there:


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