Thursday, 25 February 2010

ISAF Jury Report Website

The communication between Protest-Committees / Juries in different events has been difficult at best. Only a few issues ever get discussed on a wider scale. Mostly it is the individual panels who have to decide the problems as best as they can.

A few bigger events - particularly World Cup events - have the luxury of a large group of IJs, NJs, IUs and NUs who can discuss issues, they have encountered in the past.
It is however expected that every IJ and IU hands in a report to the ISAF about an event he or she has attended. These reports are not only used to assist the ROC in finding difficulties with individual ROs, but also to have some feedback from the actual events under the ISAF-umbrella.

Since a couple of years excerpts of these Jury Reports are published on the Internet: ISAF JURY REPORT.

And instead of sending in a paper you can fill in the public sheet of the ISAF IJ Report directly on-line.
Every report is checked by the site-administrator (IJ-Report Editor) and a member of the International Judges Sub Committee before it is posted on-line. The site is also used to create a database with the numbers. (So and so many Request for Redress for OCS, or total number of hearings, etc.)

Example: From 2010 Rolex Miami OCR:
Judges were split on the new definition of party: does this new definition allow a jury to make a boat that may be affected by a redress decision a party to the hearing, when the jury is not considering redress for this boat?
Requirement for the three highest-ranked boats to wear coloured bibs: one team requested to be exempted from this requirement because of an existing contract with a team sponsor.
There were difficulties in some hearings to get in due time the race committee staff involved in the situation in question.
Too many support boats were not properly identified with national letters. The requirement for coach boats to stay clear of the starting line and its extensions was not popular but we believe this should be applied in all other Sailing World Cup regattas. The course designation based on the number of beats to windward to be sailed should be a standard. When three fleets are racing simultaneously on a trapezoid course the race committee decided to start them on an Outer-Inner-Inner sequence and this caused delays.
If you want to know what is happening at events and what special issues the Juries encounter, have a browse trough the reports. At least it is a glimpse into the IJ-world.
By clicking on the text on the front page you get  specific information and wich officials attended.

In case you want to keep up-to-date on the latest, (at least those of you who are using Google-reader) fill in this in your RSS reader: Google feed. This is a new feature of Google-Reader: You can track any changes to a website by letting Google create a feed for it


1 comment:

  1. The bibs one is an interesting one. it's for the olympics to do it, due to the restrictions on advertsing, but outside of that, sponsership is after all the main income for top sailors, and logo-ed tops are part of that. The sponsers want to see their logos in the pictures/video of their team winning after all.

    The coloured bibs are a nice idea, but I think in something such as the Tour de France (to give an example from another sport where similar things are done) the top teams at least have their own logoed versions of the coloured jerseys. In Skiing, by contrast, the number bibs only carry the event sponsership, so the World Cup leader's red bib isn't an issue.


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