Before there ...
Before there was chaos
Before there was awful darkness
Before there was THE room &THE judges
Before there was the sailor who tried to remember
the fifteenth windward leeward mark rounding at one o'clock
in the morning after three hours waiting and five hearings, in the
team race championship, to decide which team had scored seventeenth ..
After there was a response to any Yankee flag so a sailor could concentrate on the race and plan his strategy and tactics based on the rules, because
the other boat was obliged to follow them or do the penalty...
After there was a hearing straight after the match,
After there was THE umpire bringing solace
After there was bright light
After there was order
After there was
a Flag
@@ Best Sailing Invention Ever? on Proper Course by Tillerman.
Well done Jos. Once again you amaze us with such a visually creative post.