Monday, 8 September 2008

TP52 Protest Writing Exercise

In Scuttlebutt 2675 there was a link to a fairly unique set of photos. In the sequence seven boats were involved in at least three separate rules-issues at the weather mark:

click to enlarge

Photographer Ian Roman provided this aerial of the windward mark action and accidents from last week's TP52 Audi MedCup event in Carthagena, Spain (click on image to enlarge).

I thought this was a opportunity to good to miss and asked and received permission to use these photo's in a blogpost.

First of all> This is definitely not meant to second guess any protest or non protest in the actual event. I'm interested if we can use the limited but detailed information on these photos, to write a protest. For instance, look at the wakes on the water!

We will name the boats A trough G from top to bottom according to the standing in the LAST photo! I can devise at least three separate rules issues; between C and D, between E and F and between F and G.
So here's the challenge:
  1. Pick one pair (and one pair only);
  2. Write a set of facts found about what you think has happened - does NOT have to be what actually happened, but must be to the point without any unnecessary facts and no conclusions;
  3. Draw a conclusion and rules involved based on the facts found, as you have written;
  4. Write a decision
This is exactly ( but with a drawing instead of photo's) what is asked of you in an International Judges Test after a seminar. There you will have to do it for two separate situations.

Send in your entries before the dead-line, which is two weeks from today, ending at 22:00 hours Monday the 22nd of September 2008.
I will subsequently post the submissions together in boat pairs. We will vote for the best written protest for each pair, they earn a place in the final. In that finale you can vote for the best of those three.
Remember, picking the easy pair might get you through the first round, but then you will have to compete with the other two. You may only write one protest for each pair.

Get the RRS open, download the Protest Conclusions & Decisions.xls file and get cracking.

Good luck!



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